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Meet the Industry

Each and every farm plays an important role in feeding the world.

2% of people are farmers, but they feed 100% of us.

Before I get into more specific topics of the dairy industry, I wanted to take the time to introduce the industry itself.


The number of dairy farms have been on a steady decline. When I was born in 2001, there were 100,000 operating dairy farms in the United States. Just this year, that number fell below 30,000 and is projected to fall below 20,000 by the end of the decade.

Why the Change?

There are currently 9.4 million dairy cows in the United States, which is not a significant change over recent history. However, todays cows are more productive than the previous generations. The average size of a dairy farm has grown, and have just over 300 head of cattle on average. With larger herds, farmers can merit the adoption of efficient technologies that smaller farms cannot. Dairy farming is a demanding vocation, so this labor-saving technology is beneficial and liberating to those able to utilize it. The cows need milked every day no matter what, and when you take into consideration what "no matter what" truly means, you gain a new level respect and gratitude for dairy farmers- past, present and future.

Supporting All Sizes

Although the number of dairy farms has decreased while size has increased, 95% of all dairy farms are still family owned, and of the 2.4 million total farms in the United States, 98% of them are family owned. Dairy farms of all sizes hold themselves to high standards, and are regularly evaluated by third parties like the FARM program and Validus to verify farmers are using best farming practices. No matter the size of the farm, their cows are their top priority. We need to let operations be different than what we may be used to as long as they are implementing best practices.

Why Does it Matter?

Your dollar has power, and you vote for the world you want when you purchase a product. Research the brands you buy, and diminish the disconnect between farms and consumers. Hold a mindful gratitude about the farmers that work hard to feed us- an industry that feeds you is an industry worth fighting for.


I want to be ethical and reliable in the information I share through this project. Click the button below to see the sources used this week.

Thanks for reading!

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